Education and Newspapers

There are remarkable parallels between the recent history of the newspaper industry and the imminent future of the education industry. But just because something is remarkable, it doesn't mean it's necessarily accurate.
However, neither does it mean that it's not true.

This blog's going to play with the idea that newspapers are merely the canaries in the information coalmine. It'll frequently be wrong. There'll be cognitive biases, errors of both omission and commission and plain old hyperbole. But sometimes there'll be understatement.

Most of the time, we'll just take stories about 'old media' and re-imagine them in an alternative reality where the education system went first. Just to see how it sounds.

Disclaimer: This product is meant for educational purposes only. Any resemblance to real futures, living or dead is purely coincidental.

There'll be a fair amount of fair use going on in this blog. If you think we've gone too far, please @reply me on Twitter or email me on bunchberryfern [the_at_sign]


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